Announcement, Taking A Break From YouTube and Video Filming....

Hello Sweet Friends! 

I want to make an announcement here at my blog, for those of you who also visit me both at my YouTube channel, at Christie's Mobile Home Diary and here on my blog. 

First, thank you so much for your support of my YouTube channel and my blog...I appreciate you very much, and that's why I feel that it's important that I make this announcement. 

I will be taking a break from YouTube and video filming for a while. I will however, still be sharing my photographs here on the blog, of my home diary and decorating, as usual. Let me explain....

For the sake of my husband's privacy, I don't want to share too much, but I will say that my sweet and dear husband Robert, has had some health problems recently. He's just 55 years old, and had a heart attack, and he had two stents put in, on May 21, 2023, shortly after completing our bathroom remodel project. He is doing much better, but I want to spend as much time with him as possible, as I'm sure you can understand. I've loved my YouTube journey, but the truth is, filming for YouTube and editing the videos for YouTube takes a great deal of time, and in all honesty, I am getting so tired, that I can't do it at this I feel unable to keep that up, at this time. I hope to still make seasonal home tour videos, (for the four seasons of the year over there, if and when I can).

I will still be decorating and sharing my home diary here....I love sharing things, and joining in on blogging parties when I can, plus I like to keep up with the changes that I make around our home, so I can remember how I did things in the past....for my future decorating, lol!

Oh, y'all, I so love decorating and making little changes in our home and making it feel cozy... and I love to use all of my thrifty vintage stuff in different ways, as the seasons change outside, or whenever I want to change the feel of the rooms, which for me seems to be often. It's just always such a fun and creative outlet for me, and I hope it inspires others, the way others have inspired me with their creativity. 

Well, thank you for reading this long post. 

God bless each and every one of you, and keep you safe and in His care. Never forget, you are loved and in His hands. Keep trusting in Him, He has a good plan for your life and He loves you. 

Until next time...
Stay creative and have a beautiful day my friends! 

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