Summer Yard & What's Blooming 2022

It's officially summer, so I've taken a few pictures of the plants outside....we had temperatures as high as 102 last week, so it's been unusually hot where we live. 

I thought I'd get some pictures of things,....I don't know how much longer my poor plants can take the oppressive heat we've had....thankfully, it's been cooler this week, but still in the mid 90's. We're so thankful for some rain this week. We so needed it.

I've lost most of the flowers that I planted in the ground this year from seed...I'm not sure where I went wrong, but I have an idea. Note To Self...sow the seeds after all chances of cold snaps have passed, I believe they were stunted from the cold and weren't strong enough to grow and endure through the summer heat. The morning glory flower seeds that I planted in pots have grown a lot and are doing well, despite something completely cutting it down and eating most of it. I have since moved it to the back porch and it has made a comeback. Yay! 

Here's how things are coming along this summer 2022....

We got some yummy blackberries from our woods this year, which was a nice summer surprise!

I hope you are enjoying your summer and all the joys it has to offer.... and are finding fun ways to stay cool, too... if you live where the summers are hot, like ours are!

Until next time.... stay creative!

Touches of Summer Decorating June 2022

I've been adding a few touches of summer this warm first day of's how things are looking....
Since the hydrangeas have started to bloom in our backyard, I added a few faux ones inside...
Until next time...stay creative!

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