Latest Junkin' Finds

It's been a while since I shared my junkin' finds, but we went thrifting last weekend and I came home with these fun finds...

I found some pretty throw pillows, paper craft supplies, linens, and some hand painted art...

This floral red throw pillow was $2.99....

Anytime I pick up throw pillows second hand, I do a couple of things before I make a decision about buying them.... first I have to love them, because I seriously don't have any more room for throw pillows, next they have to be in excellent condition, (no holes ect.), then I give them the smell test, (I know that seems extreme but it's a must, lol!) if they pass that test, they can come home with me. And when I get them home, I wash them if I think the fabric is not too delicate or if not, I throw them in the dryer on high for about 20 minutes or so, and then I spray them with Lysol spray, sometimes I spray them with Lysol spray put them outside if it's sunny, and then put them in the dryer. As I understand it, some thrift stores fumigate their pillows, but I'm thinking some don't, so  I'm not taking any chances, lol.

and this pretty red and yellow one I found at that same thrift store, for $2.99....

Emma approves, and she thinks these pillows can be used at various times of the year in here too...

This table cloth/ throw blanket was $3.99

and this pair of quilted standard size pillow shams were $2.99...

As you can see, she's lovin' these too and thinks they were brought home especially for her!

The Pioneer Woman braided placemat was $1.49 and I'm using it underneath my table centerpiece at the moment....

At a different thrift shop, I found this Anna Griffin Card Kit, that still has a lot of things to work with in this box, it was $2.50....I can make all sorts of things with this kit....

These will be a lot of fun! 

I also found some pretty hand painted art pieces for .50 cents that same shop...

Emma likes them okay, but she says that she really likes the books better that I sometimes bring home, (they are softer on her gums and teeth)

The prices were so great for these and they are so sweet looking.... I had to bring them home with me! I know I'll be using them in some vignettes...

This week we did some antiquing too.... we went on a 3 day spring getaway trip to visit Noccalula Falls Park in Gadsden, Alabama, (the waterfall was beautiful),  and we did some junkin' along the way getting there too. We found a quaint and pretty historic downtown in Oxford, AL. and so we stopped at an antique shop there, there was a lot of unique things, and it was great for walking around and stretching our legs.... I found these charming vintage prints for $7, for the pair....I think these will be pretty in the fall months, in my home decor. I often find things out of season when I'm junkin', and then I just hold onto them for future decorating. 

Well, that's my latest junkin' finds this time...Happy Junkin' y'all!

Until next time...
Stay creative and have a beautiful day!

This week I'm linking up at these inspiring places...

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