November Junkin' Finds from Yard Sales

 The weather is still perfect for yard sales in our area and there were several on the first Saturday of November, so we got out and went to's some of our latest junkin' finds and what we came home with this time...

We found some great deals y'all! You'll be seeing where I put some of these things in our home in future decorating posts, I'm sure. 

Until next time...
Stay creative and have a beautiful day! 

I'm joining in on these fun blog parties this week:

Vintage Charm Party hosted by:
Thursday Favorite Things blog hop & link party (please click the party link and visit all of the hosts over there)


  1. You got some great deals when you were out at the yard sales...such pretty plates and the painted box is really nice. Thanks for sharing.
    Lynne, Thrifting Wonderland

    1. There were so many great deals that day, it's always so fun to find stuff at yard sales... and I can never pass up a pretty plate, (though I know I don't really need anymore, lol!) Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment Lynne!


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